They then set out on a desperate quest to find the last piece of Aztec gold, as well as Bootstrap Bill or one of his relatives. Once they had returned eight hundred and eighty-seven coins out of eight hundred and eighty-eight and had all payed the blood sacrifice, they realised that they still needed Bootstrap Bill's blood to lift the curse.
In addition, they had to each pay a blood sacrifice to Hernan Cortes. The crew soon discovered that the Aztec gold had laid a terrible curse upon them, and that the only way to lift the curse was to return every piece of gold to the chest from which it had come. And, at night, they found that in the moonlight all of their skin disappeared to show their true skeletal form. However, they would soon realise that they could no longer die, nor feel pain, or eat or drink anything. Afterwards, they strapped Bootstrap Bill's bootstraps to a cannon and sent him tumbling overboard.
Soon after, they uncovered the cursed Aztec gold belonging to Hernan Cortes, and sold and traded all of the gold. They soon carried out this devious plan, marooning Jack at Black Sam's Spit. However, the entire crew, save for Bootstrap Bill Turner, planned to mutiny upon Jack, and elect the first mate Hector Barbossa as Captain. Dog Ear was a pirate serving under Captain Jack Sparrow aboard the Black Pearl.